This section refers to items that cover the whole body, except for the head. Lining (Unlocked by Tinker Tom of the Railroad) Power armor requires specific pieces of armor for different body parts, like the left leg or right arm, and is covered in a separate article.Ĭlothing refers to items that can be worn under armor pieces and armor sets. There are loads from simple building size increases to whole overhaul mods like Mod to remove settlement size limit please - posted in Fallout 4 Mod. Unlike previous games that used a single article of apparel for an entire outfit, the armor system in Fallout 4 makes use of different armor pieces for the head, torso, arms and legs, that all can be mixed and matched to create unique combinations. Settlement building is one of the standout features in Bethesda's Fallout 4, but the base version could be better.