The Vault 76 Jumpsuit you get when you create your character is the first Underarmor you will have in Fallout 76, and quite commonly you will find Baseball Caps, Hats, Shirts, Goggles, Glasses, and Bandanas around Appalachia. The "base" version of Underarmor provides no bonuses, but some Underarmor Items can be modded to provide additional attributes to your character.

Luckily enough, the Loot yield in Fallout 76 is quite generous, and we also have the Crafting and Trading systems available. Getting solid Armor parts is critical right from the start, as it can protect you from Physical, Ballistic, Energy, and Radiation Damage.

When everything you met on your way wants to shoot or eat you, you don't have much choice, you have to protect yourself. As a Vault 76 Dweller wondering around Appalachia, you will be exposed to various types of damage and threats. Good protection is the key to survival in the post-apocalyptic world. Exploring the world of Fallout 76 and its scorched wasteland is no walk in the part.