This is done before I create the Fortify Restoration Potion. Head: Magic+Lock-picking, Armor: Health+Stamina, Boots: Sneak+Carry Weight, Gloves/Hand Gear: Archery+Two -handed weapon, Ring: Pickpocket + One Handed Weapon. I usually double enchant my default armor.

Your shout should be in the negative which mean you can shout endlessly. When it reaches 500,000 carry weight you might want to stop or create more Fortify Restoration Potions of that strength. One you have reached level 40 repeat the process using Abecean Longfin, Cyrodilic Spadetail, and Salt Pile Fortify Restoration Potions. The drill mix your potion with you alchemy armor on, drink the potion and put the alchemy armor on and repeat the process. 40=Alchemist, 20=Physician and 30=Benefactor. If not you will need to mix a variety of potions like Smithing by mixing Blisterwort & Glowing Mushrooms, Wheat and Glowing Mushrooms, and others to achieve. If you are at level 40 already before you do this you will reach level 100 faster. Mix the ingredients with your Alchemy Armor, take off Alchemy Armor drink the potion and watch your Alchemy increase. The easiest way to get there is to first use 1 Giant Toe, 1 Creept Cluster and 1 Wheat. Your Alchemy Tree should be 40=Alchemist, 20=Physician and 30=Benefactor.

These items should only be used to create potions.ĥ Giant Toes, 5 Creept Clusters, 20 Wheat, 20 Glowing Mushrooms, ( you need to get up to at least level 40 before using these items ( 24 Abecean Longfin, 24 Cyrodilic Spadetail, and 24 Salt Pile ) it usually take 8 of each but you might want more when you want to change your armor. you want to build your enchantment to allow you to double enchant and use Head Item: Alchemy+Magic, Necklace Item: Alchemy+Health, Ring Item: Alchemy+Carry Weight, Hand Item: Alchemy+ Light Armor. just ask the question, go to the hidden chest and so on.

You will have to do this every 48 hrs so fast forward your days and keep in mind that the Khajiit is the key. If there is any leftover items, store them in the blacksmith barrow. Sell or trade the armor and weapons to the blacksmith, sell or trade the potions to the alchemist. loot the hidden chest every 48hrs and dis-enchant and enchant those items to build your enchantments. The best place to build enchantments is in Dawnstar in The White Hall.